From my mind

I have an unshakable, seemingly insatiable desire to connect with other people. Thoughts, feelings, ideas.. my ADHD brain churns them out constantly, but then, like most things in my life, they remain unfinished, lost, or forgotten. I have years of writing about that are scattered between countless notes on my phone, the draft folder of my Gmail… my old Facebook account. (ugh)

What that’s proven to be, is where my thoughts goes to die, so I made them this digital box for those thoughts to live in. Constantly herding feral cats!

My personal growth as a woman, a later-in-life career change, “menty-B” experience, parenting and advocating for my ADHD kids, so they don’t sink in a world not designed for their unique and gorgeous minds. Untangling the mess in my brain and “re-parenting” in the wake of my own lack of diagnosis until age 41. Making art, failing at art, trying to make a living making art.

Travel, rescue dogs, breaking generational curses!

Learning to love my voice, and use it, even if it pisses people off.

That’s all here, and now so are you! Thank you.

a woman in progress

Suuuper consistent at being late for the party.

a moM

(human, furry and sometimes my husband)


Working with clay is a great way to justify not doing my nails.